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Rymyni Review
A tummy Before and after
Carla Post op review

Lymphatic Drainage Massage
Tummy Tuck / 360-degree liposuction / Liposuction / Body Lift / Thigh Lift / Arm Lift /  Buttock Lift /  Breast Lift / Chin Liposuction / Neck Liposuction...

Lymphatic Drainage Massage Before and After Surgery:

Lymphatic drainage massage Before Surgery can provide several benefits.
Here are some potential advantages: 

  1. Improved Circulation: Lymphatic drainage massage helps stimulate the lymphatic system, which is responsible for removing waste and toxins from the body. By enhancing circulation, it can optimize the body's ability to heal and recover after surgery.

  2. Reduced Swelling: Lymphatic drainage massage can help reduce swelling by promoting the removal of excess fluid and reducing inflammation. This can be especially beneficial before surgery to minimize post-operative swelling.

  3. Enhanced Immune System: The lymphatic system plays a vital role in supporting the immune system. By stimulating lymphatic flow, pre-surgery lymphatic drainage massage can help strengthen the immune system and prepare the body for the upcoming surgical procedure.

  4. Relaxation and Stress Relief: Surgery can be a stressful experience, both physically and emotionally. Lymphatic drainage massage before surgery can help promote relaxation, reduce anxiety, and create a sense of calm, allowing you to enter the surgical process with a more positive mindset.

  5. Optimized Surgical Outcome: By preparing the body through lymphatic drainage massage, you may experience a smoother surgical procedure and potentially improve the overall outcome of the surgery.

How Does Lymphatic Massage Help After Surgery?

After tummy tuck, lipo 360, and liposuction surgery, the body undergoes significant trauma, and the lymphatic system may become overwhelmed.

This can result in swelling, bruising, and discomfort. Lymphatic massage can help to reduce swelling by increasing lymphatic flow and removing excess fluid from the body.

Lymphatic massage can also help to improve circulation, which can speed up the healing process. Improved circulation means that oxygen and nutrients can reach the affected area more efficiently, which can help to reduce inflammation and promote tissue repair.

Lymphatic massage can help to reduce scar tissue formation. Scar tissue can be a common side effect of surgery, but lymphatic massage can help to break down scar tissue and prevent it from forming in the first place.

When Should You Start Lymphatic Massage After Surgery?

It is important to wait until your surgeon gives you the green light to start lymphatic massage after surgery. Generally, lymphatic massage can begin a few days after surgery, once any drains have been removed. However, it is important to follow your surgeon's specific instructions, as everyone's recovery process is different.

How Often Should You Get Lymphatic Massage
After Surgery?

The frequency of lymphatic massage after surgery can vary depending on your individual needs. Your surgeon or massage therapist will be able to recommend a schedule that works best for you. Generally, it is recommended to get lymphatic massage 2-3 times per week for the first few weeks after surgery, and then once a week for several weeks thereafter.

 Body 45mins  £65- £70
Face 30mins £45

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