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*Working Hours *


Monday ~ Thursday 
11:00~  19:00



12:00 to 20:00


10:00 ~  17:00

*Sunday Closed*

1,Open your mobile phone camera and scan Or Click on the QR code.
2,Follow the link .
3, You will continue to store my contact and more information here.

Ivy Lam Contact QR Code

Sciatica, Liposuctions Drainage Massage, Reflexology Foot Massage, Full Body MOT Massage Chinese, Chinese Massage therapist, Sports Massage, Hot Stone Massage, Cupping Massage, Pregnancy Massage, Postpartum Massage, Nursing Breastfeeding Breasts Massage, Abdominal Massage, Navel Candling & Colon Massage,  Head Massage, Shoulder Neck Head Massage, Facial Lymphatic drainage Detoxing Deep Tissue Massage, Hopi Ear Candling Therapy, Hand Pain, Finger Pain, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome body Cellulite Reduction Massage Anti-Cellulite Massage  #sciatica #liposuctionsdrainagemassage #reflexologyfootmassage #fullbodymotmassagechinese #bodymotmassage #bodymassage #chinesemassagetherapist #sportsmassage #hotstonemassage #cuppingmassage #pregnancymassage #postpartummassage #nursingbreastfeedingbreastsmassage #abdominalmassage #navelcandling #colonmassage  #headmassage #shoulderneckheadmassage #faciallymphaticdrainage #detoxingdeeptissuemassage #hopiearcandlingtherapy #handPain #fingerpain #carpaltunnelsyndromebody #anti-cellulitemassage #anticellulitemassage  #cellulitereductionmassage #deeptissuemassage #chinesemassage  #traditionalchinesemassage #tuinamassag

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